PrettyPrint – A ‘headless’ plugin that formats the HTML
output of the editor into more ‘human-readable’ HTML. It tries
to properly indent blocks of text, lists, and so on cleanly. It can also
be configured with options such as indenting by tab or space, how much, and how
long text lines should be.
View Block Nodes – A useful plugin that highlights the internal
structure of the document. It shows the block elements, in other words.
Page Break – A plugin that inserts a CSS page-break-after style
that will cause printing of the document to page-break at that point.
Preview – A plugin that will load the editor content in a new
browser window and apply any defined styles or stylesheets to the content.
Save – A simple plugin intended to be extended to define a
‘save button’ and its behavior.
NormalizeIndentOutdent – The indent and outdent function behavior
vary across browser due to inconsistencies in how browsers implement the
function. This plugin tries to fix that behavior and make it completely
consistent on how indenting and outdenting work for lists, text, and block
elements across browser. It is new and has been tested, but may still have
some quirks, hence the ‘experimental’ status.
Breadcrumb – A useful plugin that adds a ‘toolbar’ to
the bottom of the Editor. This toolbar shows what element the user is
currently in and provides mechanisms to select the content, the entire element,
and do operations such as delete upon it. This plugin does not work well in
1.4.0 with FullScreen. It has since been fixed and the fix is under
consideration for back port.
Find/Replace – A plugin for finding and replacing text strings in
the editor content. This plugin makes use of the native find functions
various browsers provide, which means it works generally well on Safari, Chrome
(Webkit), FireFox, and IE (forward only, backwards mode does not work in
IE). It does not work on Opera, as Opera does not provide native support
for find.
Insert Entity – A plugin for inserting entity characters into the
document, such as the copyright character, the trademark character, and so on.
Paste From Word – A plugin that adds a new paste dialog that you
can paste content from popular word processors and it will try to filter and
normalize the content for injection into the editor.
Blockquote – A plugin that allows you to select paragraphs and
similar and blockquote them (wrap them in blockquote tags), to highlight a
section of text.
dojox.editor.plugins.TextColor – An augmented version of
dijit._editor.plugins.TextColor that makes use of the dojox.widget.ColorPicker
for selecting the font color and background color of text.
Collapsible Toolbar – A plugin that augments the editor toolbar
and makes it collaspible, meaning it can be reduced for more editing space.
Status Bar – An experimental plugin that augments the editor
footer with a bar area for status. It also has an optional resize handler for
resizing the editor when it is not within a content pane controlling its size.