This is a Portlet widget, which is similar to a dijit.TitlePane, but is designed to be used with the dojox.layout.GridContainer widget. Each widget can be extended with a number of different plug in widgets, with each plug in specifying an icon to display in the title bar. (By the way, click this paragraph somewhere :-)

Two settings widgets are currently defined, dojox.widget.PortletSettings and dojox.widget.PortletDialogSettings

This Portlet is not draggable, but all others are.

This is a FeedPortlet with a single feed. Click the settings icon in the title bar to enter a different feed to load. Hovering over a news item shows a summary of it in a tooltip.
Change the zoom of the chart using the slider, then drag it using the mouse. This portlet uses a dialog settings widget, click the settings icon in the title bar to see it.
Type: Meeting
Time: 12:00 - 13:00
Meeting about the User Interface
Type: Meeting
Time: 09:00 - 10:30
Morning prayer for the end of life of IE6
Type: Appointment
Time: 19:00 - 20:30
Root canal at dentist. Gonna get a candy bar!
This is an ExpandableFeedPortlet with multiple available feeds. Click the settings icon in the title bar to choose a feed to load. This Portlet also maintains its state using a cookie, so when you choose a feed to show and refresh the page, that same feed will be selected. this example also shows how to modify the title of the portlet when a new feed is selected. When a feed is loaded, it automatically sets the title of the Portlet to the title of the feed. This portlet has disabled that behavior using showFeedTitle="false"
This is an ExpandableFeedPortlet with multiple available feeds, in which you can only expand a single item at a time. Click the settings icon in the title bar to choose a feed to load.
This is a FeedPortlet with a local feed, which is useful if you have a feed that is not public, perhaps on an intranet.
File contents are loaded here. Click on any file in the tree to see its contents.
This Pie chart shows the proportion of files in the Dojo toolkit. As you open folders in the tree, it updates the chart.