Would you want to type a novel inside a a box the size of a postage stamp? No, no one in their right mind would want to do that! So why is it that so many sites, such as blogs, forums, and web-based e-mail programs only provide users a tiny input window?
Small edit windows are extremely difficult to use well and seem ridiculous when there is plenty of remaining space in the browser window taken up by menus, banners, side bars, advertisements, and so on. All that space could, and should, be used to provide users a better experience when they're typing up text. Easier said than done, unfortunately.
The dojo community realized that wouldn't it be great if you could, with the click of a button, pop your edit window to the full browser window, then with another click, reduce it back? With that thought in mind, the Full Screen plugin was born. With this plugin enabled in the editor, a single click of the mouse (or the key command of CTRL-SHIFT-F11) will instruct the Editor to take over the entire view port. When the users are done editing, another click puts it right back to where it was and in its original size.
In the dijitEditor view, click the
full screen icon. The editor will take over your entire
browser. Clicking it again will restore the editor's original
state. Simple, yet incredibly powerful. The age if
postage-stamp sized editing boxes is over.