Dojo MVC Patterns


Simple data-bound fields
"Hello world" of data binding -- no hierarchical or repeating structure nor model validation...just data binding.
Hierarchical data-bound fields
Widgets are nested hierarchically showing relative binding context.
Data-bound form fields
Form widgets bind to model data and merge model and widget states (e.g. validity) to determine overall status. Data is provided for zipcodes of 10024 or 10706 to see side-effects on completing related fields. Try other 5-digit numeric values to see the effect of model-flagged invalidity on the widget. Non-numeric fields trigger widget validation failures and block flushing the value to the model. Try driving housing percent above 33% to raise warnings on that field through its model validity as well. Try zero'ing out all housing expenses to see the effect of relevance=false on the total housing field.
Repeating templated widget content
Container "repeat" widget expands templated content and provides data binding context to child widgets.
Repeating content with insert/delete operations
Above repeat example with mutable list for insert/delete.
Model-bound view generation
Form generated based on JSON model provided in a text area and updated based on structural and value changes to the model.